Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today I am awesome.

Apparently seeing my failure of a lifestyle in black and white got me off my butt! After blogging about how lame I am, I got up and spent a half hour with the bitch Pilates video lady. Then I unpacked the remainder of the boxes while chatting with my mother on the phone. After churning out two mass parts for the wedding [the two shortest that exist, but two nonetheless], I took a shower and was suddenly inspired to take a bubble bath. I, being a person who is either always busy or too lazy, can't remember the last time I took a bubble bath. So there I sat with a book and the bubbles and completely lost track of time. By the time I got out, it was almost time for my fiance' to get off work, so I sat down to read a few more chapters before he arrived.

All in all, I had a surge of productivity. Downside= as soon as Charlie got home I felt this incredible urge to eat everything in the kitchen... So it's still a major work in progress, but at least today I'm heading in the right direction.

1 comment:


    jussss sayin.

    And if you ever want a pilates pardner I'm here! :)
