Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And so it begins...

Not the wedding-ing, but the blogging. I've been engaged since December 2008, and the real heavy-duty wedding planning has been going on for a few months now. With just over 200 days until the big day, I'm feeling the crunch. The race to the altar has got me seriously stressed and I can't figure out why.

Since I was an early teen, my hobby has been weddings. I've always loved everything about them. I have a collection of bridal magazines that stacks higher than my 5'9" frame. So I assumed that when it came down to it, I'd have this whole wedding under complete control.

So this is my solution: Blog about it. For some reason I have decide that writing about it will make it easier. Keeping up with all of the wedding bits, including both the planning issues and the weight issues, may drive me crazy, but I refuse to do it alone.

My current weight is right at 173. That's 13 pounds heavier than I was just four months ago. Ultimately the goal is to take at least 20 pounds off by the December wedding. I had absolutely zero motivation until yesterday; a few friends and I have entered into a weight loss competition, and I'm determined to win. I'm also determined that cake tastes better than celery and always will.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is SO helpful to me. It keeps me accountable and makes me avoid lying to myself about eating or exercising. Lol.

    You're totally going to meet your goal by the wedding!

    But I have my game face on and you are NOT going to win this summer. :P
