Saturday, May 22, 2010


I have NONE lately. I am currently procrastinating a pilates session in my living room. Though my doctor and I discussed less than a week ago that I need to drop a pound or so a week on average over the course of the next few months, I can't seem to make myself not eat every bad bit of food in sight, nor can I get up off my butt and work out. I'm feeling terribly crappy about my level of self-control and motivation.

On the wedding front- It's a mirrored situation. I have a to-do list longer than I don't know what, but I am slacking at crossing anything off of it. The biggest project that I've hardly begun is the music: Somewhere back in the beginning of this whole thing I decided I wanted to write all of the music for my wedding ceremony. I keep putting off working on the project though... I always say, "As soon as we finish.... [name whatever we're currently attempting to tackle]..." but something else keeps popping up!! Ideally, as soon as we're settled into this new house, which will hopefully be by next week, I'll be able to sit down and focus on composing instead of the mess surrounding me.

So now that I've been able to spend some time complaining about my lack of motivation, I'm going to stop complaining and go DO something about it. Hopefully.

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